Collecting and analyzing data from your machines is crucial to maintaining the health and performance of your most...
Industrial Internet of Things Articles
Explore STR Software’s insights and thought leadership on the industrial internet of things.
How to Automatically Load Data into Oracle Process Manufacturing
Tracking and reporting process manufacturing data captured by PLC and SCADA systems is an important step in improving...
Automating the Collection of Machine Data into Oracle eAM
The Oracle EBS eAM module has powerful functionality that can use asset data stored in machine controllers, historians...
Why is IoT Popular Right Now?
Sensors and remote monitoring have been around for years. So why is Internet of Things (IoT) so hot right now? There...
What is Big Data Analytics?
Big data analytics is the ability for applications to analyze extremely large or complex data sets. Big data is used...
What is the difference between M2M and IIoT?
At a macro level IIoT and Machine to Machine are the same concept in that both are based on the premise of connecting...
What is Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)?
IIoT stands for Industrial Internet of Things and falls under the broader umbrella of IoT. IIoT is software and...
What is Internet of Things (IoT)?
What is Internet of Things or IoT? To start, let’s describe “things.” A “thing” is any physical object embedded with...